The Home Church
Let's look back at all that God blessed us with in 2022

A Letter From Your Pastor
Dear THC,
2017 – Family on Mission
2018 – Keep On Keeping On
2019 – Deeper: His Word. Our Need.
2020 – Devoted in Prayer
2021 – Rest
2022 – Abide
2023 – Jesus, Our Everything!
2022 is coming to a close! 2023 beckons! Can you believe it?
As you read this report, my prayer is that your heart would be filled with thankfulness. Truly,
when we are aware of the ways God is working in and around us, we are in “spiritual tune”.
THC, God is working in and through our congregation! Your commitment to this Christ & this
community inspires me deeply.
Recently the Elders gathered to seek God’s leading of THC. We prayed and discussed where we
sensed God leading THC.
Our hearts began to align as we saw how much THC needs Jesus to be the greatest authority in
our life. Jesus must be the one who gives us our life purpose, He must be our loudest inner-
Voice, and He must be the one we obey. Simply, Jesus must (truly) be our Lord.
Our theme for 2023:
“Jesus, Our Everything!”
We will begin the year with a congregational sermon-series unpacking what it looks like for
Jesus to be the greatest authority in our life.
2018 – Keep On Keeping On
2019 – Deeper: His Word. Our Need.
2020 – Devoted in Prayer
2021 – Rest
2022 – Abide
Jesus is Lord,
THC Elders
- Pastor Mitchell
- Papa Mitch

Sermons of 2022
The Gospel of John
A verse-by-verse exposition from the Apostle of John in hopes that our hearts are captured by Jesus.
Testimonies of 2022
Current Season

Ariella Hernandez

Hyewon Park

Delia Perez

James Ko

Kelly Pak

Janice Ko

John Ko

Lucas Kao

Danny Han
Mission Recaps

Kristin Choi

Jason Chen

Isabelle Perez
Spiritual Journey

Janet Jeong

Brian Hwee

Lauren Hwee

Joon Chang

Chelsea Lee

Tommy Erdos

Thomas Vu
THC Classes

Thomas Vu

Sean Kim

Cynthia Gomez
Inductive Bible Study

Kristin Choi
THC Assistant Reflections

Lena Perez
Harvest Festival Recap

Sean Kim
NLF House Church Seminar

Joan Lim and Delia Perez
VBS Recap
Church Membership
An Overview of Church Membership in 2022

+8 New Church Members
–4 Previous Members
+4 Net Amount
3 Church Membership Classes
3 Church Member Meetings
Current State of the Ministry

2022 Serving Teams
Finance Team
Snacks Team
Re-Gathering Protocol Team
- Pastor Mitchell Perez
- Elder "Papa" Mitch
Welcome Team
- Elder "Papa" Mitch
- Elaina Perez
- Howard Park
- Sean Kim
- Tim & Shelby Horton
Worship Ministry
- Rachel Park
- Thomas Erdos
- Paul Kim
- Daniel Han
- Jemini Park
- Kevin Park
- Cynthia Gomez
- Chelsea Lee
- John Ko
- Jeff Chang
- Esther Park
- Steven Lee
- Lucas Kao
- Andrew Shim
- Steven Lee
- Hanna Kim
- Elaina Perez
- Heidi Ko
- Howard Park
- Hyewon Park
- Kristin Choi
Cleaning Team
- Thomas Vu
- Cynthia Gomez
- Joon Chang
- Danny Han
- Howard Park
- Jason Chen
- Chelsea Price
- Esther Lee
Children's Ministry
- Delia Perez
- Paul Kim
- Ariella Hernandez
- Alexis Kauv
- Kelly Kao
- Janet Jeong
- Chelsea Lee
- Joan Lim
- Eileen Kou
- Haemi Won
- Bryan Hwee
- Lauren Hwee
THC Class Teachers
- Elder "Papa" Mitch
- Pastor Mitchell Perez
- Hanna Kim
- Rachel Park
- Pastor Mitchell Perez
- Cynthia Gomez
- Eileen Kou
- Esther Park
- Delia Perez
- Elder "Papa" Mitch & Delia Perez
- Lucas Kao & Hanna Kim
- Howard Park & Kristin Choi
- John & Janice Ko
- James & Heidi Ko
- Abraham & Rachel Park
- Daniel & Esther Lee
- David & Kelly Pak
- Andrew Shim & Ariella Hernandez
THC Assistant
- Kristin Choi
- Howard Park
- Sean Kim
Service Coordinator
- Howard Park
- Sean Kim
Needs/ Prayer Requests
1. For Members to Fulfill Vows
2. Non-Member Christians at THC to Become Members and Serve
THC Membership Covenant
Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and been baptized, and being in agreement with
The Home Church’s statement of faith, mission, and expectations as a member, I now feel led
by the Holy Spirit to unite with The Home Church as a church member.
In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following:
...By acting in love toward other members at The Home Church & House Church.
...By refusing to gossip
...By following the leaders (Pastors & Shepherds)
...By praying for its growth
...By inviting VIPs to The Home Church & House Church.
...By warmly welcoming and encouraging those who visit The Home Church & House Church.
...By using my gifts to serve the members of The Home Church & House Church.
...By being equipped to serve by my Pastors and Shepherds.
...By developing a servant’s heart
...By attending faithfully to The Home Church & House Church.
...By living a godly life
...By giving regularly
House Church

Malaysia House Church
Lucas Kao & Hanna Kim

Asia House Church
Elder "Papa" Mitch & Delia Perez

Mexico 2 House Church
Howard Park & Kristin Choi

John & Janice Ko

James & Heidi Ko
Life together as a family ~
Weekly Average Over the Years–
- 2022 – 49 people
- 2021 – 47 people
- 2020 – 64 people
- 2019 – 53 people
- 2018 – 48 people
2022 In Review–
- Multiplications –1
- HCs Opened – 2
- HCs Closed – 4
- VIP Baptisms – 0
- A.S.K. Meeting Attendance – 8
- Commitment Celebrations –3
- Shepherd Meetings – 13
- New Shepherds – 7 (Completed Training)
- Howard
- Kristin
- James
- Heidi
- John
- Janice
- Hanna
Needs/ Prayer Requests–
- We need some multiplications and Shepherds to step up! Almost each HC is full. We need
Shepherds to ask some of their members to pray about Shepherding and we need members to step up and Shepherd so God’s Kingdom can grow.

“The Church is under orders: Evangelistic inactivity is disobedience” (John Stott)
“You are a Christian because someone cared. Now it’s your turn!” (Warren Wiersbe)
House Church is the primary ministry of The Home Church.
Our hope is for THC to grow, primarily through evangelism, not through Christians transferring
into our ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to reach the lost (VIPs), disciple them towards
Christian maturity, and experience biblical community.
This past May we completed 5 years of THC doing the House Church model. We evaluated if FC
is the most effective way for our church to fulfill the Great Commission. We had Shepherd
Meetings, a survey, and a “THC Roundtable Discussion” to gauge House Church effectiveness
and ways we could improve our Great Commission Ministry.
In God’s sovereignty, He brought Pastor Eric Shin and New Life Fellowship Leaders to lead a
weekend Revival service. God used the teaching and testimonies of these leaders to unite our
hearts in attempting, again, House Church Ministry.
Covenant Members voted on whether we should continue in this model shortly after our
Revival. Members decided, overwhelmingly, to continue in House Church Ministry. We even
decided to change the name from “Family Church” to “House Church” to be in greater
alignment with the House Church Network.
After the Holy Spirit united our hearts, we launched a sermon series: “A Proper Foundation”
where we returned to New Testament principles for the purpose of the church. Shepherds
went through “Re-Alignment Training” and a Shepherd’s Covenant was enacted in an effort to
prioritize healthy leadership in our House Churches.
When I look back at May, I realize that THC operates like a family. Honest feedback was given to
leaders, ideas for improvement went forward, some Shepherds stepped down from leading and
others stepped forward to the front of the lines. Not one covenant member left the church
through this process. I believe God was honored through our process and the church is united
in moving forward in this evangelism/discipleship/leadership development model.
The Mission Matters Most,
Pastor Mitchell
Shepherd Covenant
As a Shepherd of The Home Church, I Covenant to...
1. Embrace Being the Shepherd of my House Church! I will be Responsible for the Overall Spiritual Growth of my Members and Administration of my House Church.
(1 Peter 5:1-4)
2. Turn in my Shepherd Journals.
3. Prayerfully Prepare and Lead my House Church.
4. Participate in Shepherd Meetings, Village Meetings, and Shepherd’s Retreat.
(Hebrews 10:24-25)
5. Read the Bible at Least 10 Minutes and Pray for
Minimum 10 Minutes a Day for 4 Days a Week.
(Psalm 1, 119; Mark 9:29; Acts 1:14; Colossians 4:2)
6. Pray for my House Church Members Individually at Least Twice a Week.
(2 Timothy 1:3-7)
7. Participate in Sunday Corporate Worship Punctually and Consistently.
(Exodus 20:8-11)
8. Tithe Honestly and Faithfully to Become an Example of a Good Steward!
(Genesis 14:18-20; Malachi 3:6-12; Matthew 25:21; Luke 11:42)
9. Pray that at Least One Person will Come to Know Jesus Christ
and Become a Member of The Home Church.

Classes are an important way that we can grow in more structured and systematic ways.
Sundays are primarily about coming together to worship Jesus, House Church is primarily about
evangelism and community, and these “classes” are primarily focused on deepening our
knowledge of Christianity and how to apply that knowledge in our lives.
The classes offered in 2022:
* Foundation (2X) - Pastor Mitchell
* Transformation - Pastor Mitchell
* 3 Circles Evangelism Workshop - Pastor Mitchell
* How People Change – Hanna Kim
* Meditation Mondays & Word Wednesdays– Howard Park & Elaina Perez
* Worship Training – Rachel Park
* Love of Husband – Elder "Papa" Mitch
I’m grateful that we continue to prioritize the study and application of Scripture/biblical
principles to our life.
I ask every member to take at least 1 class in 2023 to deepen their knowledge in the faith.
Growing in the Knowledge of His Grace,
Pastor Mitchell

Pastor Mitchell
FOUNDATION Bible Study Class
3 Circles Evangelism Workshop

Elder "Papa" Mitch
Love of a Husband

Hanna Kim

Rachel Park

Howard Park & Elaina Perez
How People Change
Worship Ministry Training
Meditation Mondays &
Word Wednesdays
Sign Ups–
In 2022, we offered 10 classes and saw 71 signups.
What's Coming in 2023?
1. FOUNDATION Class – 9-week course taught by Pastor Mitchell on the basics of Christianity. Every member should aim to take this class before taking others.
2. TRANSFORMATION Class – 13-week course studying/applying Spiritual Disciplines. Must have completed FOUNDATION class first in order to take this class. Beginning February.
3. Your Class?
Pray about teaching/leading a class in 2023.
2. TRANSFORMATION Class – 13-week course studying/applying Spiritual Disciplines. Must have completed FOUNDATION class first in order to take this class. Beginning February.
3. Your Class?
Pray about teaching/leading a class in 2023.
Needs/ Prayer Requests–
1. For covenant members to truly pray about taking at least 1 class by the end of 2023.
2. For God to raise up Teachers from our own congregation to equip the Body.
2. For God to raise up Teachers from our own congregation to equip the Body.
Elder Update
From our 2021 “Church Leadership” Sermon Series which kicked off our Elder-Process.
Scriptural Conclusions Based on New Testament –
1. The Office of “Elder” is for Qualified Men of THC – 1 Timothy 3:1-7
A. Men who have been called to the office.
B. Men of Christ-shaped character.
C. Men of doctrinal-competency (Teaching with
lips and life)
2. Elders Take Spiritual Responsibility for THC – Acts 20:17-38
3. Elders are Suffering-Servant-Shepherds so THC has Examples – 1 Peter 4:12-5:4
4. Elders are Honored & Submitted to by THC for the Blessing of All – Hebrews 13:17
THC's Elder Process:
2. Sermon Series on “Church Leadership”
3. Covenant Members Nominate 2-3 Qualified Men
4. PM & Elaina Meet w/Elder Candidate (Couple)
5. PM Chooses Initial Elder Candidates
6. Elder Training
7. Elder Presented to Members for Vote of Confidence
8. Affirmed Elder Begin Leading THC w/Pastor Mitchell
* Elders Board Terms are 3-5 Years (Annual Reviewing after 3 Years & Tapering Off One/Time)
On October 9, 2022, Mitchell “Papa” Perez were recognized by our congregation as “Elder” – leading our congregation alongside Lead Pastor Mitchell Perez.
Prayer Requests:
- Papa Mitch and P Mitchell continue to seek God’s will in prayer.
- Unity in preparing THC bylaws (eventually to be presented to members)
- For a strong sense of brotherhood because if THC is to be unified, the leaders must be!
Notable Events
Celebrating 7 years of God's faithfulness as a church!
Encouragements from key people who helped THC get to where we are now! Praise the Lord!

ABIDE Retreat 2022
After many months of the pandemic, we were finally able to go to an
all-church retreat together as a church family!

Mexico Missions
This Thanksgiving weekend, THC sent a team of 5 to our partnered mission base in Ensenada, Mexico
to redecorate their sanctuary! Thank you to all of those who have supported in prayer and finances!

Zoomerang Vacation Bible School
Zoomerang! Zoomeree! God made you and God made me ~
THC organized our first ever Vacation Bible School this year!
We had a total of 29 kids hear the Gospel and experience the love of God through our 30 volunteers!
2nd Annual Harvest Festival
In 2022, THC organized our second annual Harvest Festival to bless our surrounding community and share the love of Christ!
This year, our members came together to create a fun-filled event with Trunk-or-Treat stations, face painting booths, jumpers, games, farm animals, and lots of candy! Almost 350 children and parents came to celebrate with us! Praise the Lord!