A Gospel-Centered Family, Relational Evangelism.
Hello Friend,
Every Friday night our church gathers in what we call "House Churches".
These are weekly gatherings of 6-12 adults where we engage in Christian community.
House Churches are available for adults & children of all ages!
Our House Churches are for non-Christians, seekers, and those who are not part of a church already.
If you are already a Christian that is part of a local church, we kindly ask that you seek to grow within the community that is already at your church. Read about the heart behind our policy here.
For those of you who are not Christians (or maybe you are not sure if you are a Christian). Here is what you can expect:
Every Friday night our church gathers in what we call "House Churches".
These are weekly gatherings of 6-12 adults where we engage in Christian community.
House Churches are available for adults & children of all ages!
Our House Churches are for non-Christians, seekers, and those who are not part of a church already.
If you are already a Christian that is part of a local church, we kindly ask that you seek to grow within the community that is already at your church. Read about the heart behind our policy here.
For those of you who are not Christians (or maybe you are not sure if you are a Christian). Here is what you can expect:
A typical HC gathering will consist of the following:
Each HC is led by two "Shepherds" (one male and one female). Their job is to facilitate the gatherings, pray for members during the week, model servant-leadership to their members, and help their members grow spiritually.
Sometimes HC's will break from a "normal HC" and do outings or different types of meetings.
I can't overstate how important it is to learn Christianity from actual Christians and not just through sermons from a Preacher. As a preacher, myself, the primary audience that I speak to is Christians because a Sunday service is a worship service. But the purpose of House Churches are to invite people like you to learn about Christianity by experiencing Christian community.
We hope that you take that step in your spiritual journey to learn more about why following Jesus is worth it.
If you are interested in joining a House Church, please fill out a Connection Card here!
If you have any questions about our HCs, feel free to email our Lead Pastor:
- Ice Breaker
- Praise
- Word Time - Teaching from the Bible
- Announcements - Connecting you to events & ways to grow spiritually at The Home Church
- Update from Missionary - Each HC supports/prays for a missionary. The HC is named after the country/region that missionary serves.
- Sharing Time - Each person shares what they are thankful for and prayer requests.
- Prayer - Time of bringing prayer requests to God.
Each HC is led by two "Shepherds" (one male and one female). Their job is to facilitate the gatherings, pray for members during the week, model servant-leadership to their members, and help their members grow spiritually.
Sometimes HC's will break from a "normal HC" and do outings or different types of meetings.
I can't overstate how important it is to learn Christianity from actual Christians and not just through sermons from a Preacher. As a preacher, myself, the primary audience that I speak to is Christians because a Sunday service is a worship service. But the purpose of House Churches are to invite people like you to learn about Christianity by experiencing Christian community.
We hope that you take that step in your spiritual journey to learn more about why following Jesus is worth it.
If you are interested in joining a House Church, please fill out a Connection Card here!
If you have any questions about our HCs, feel free to email our Lead Pastor:
“House Church” (HC) is a model of church that identifies some of the obstacles of “traditional Sunday-service church”:
- Difficult to experience the kind of deep and meaningful fellowship that we see in the New Testament and all long for personally.
- Difficult to evangelize the unchurched.
- Difficult for everyone to serve as a member of the body of Christ.
HC seeks to address these obstacles through a weekly gathering of “families” coming together in a home over a shared meal together and under the care and leadership of “Shepherds”.
Is House Church Basically a Small Group?
Here are three statements that may help you to understand what HC is:
- HC is just as much “church” as our Sunday gathering.
- HC isn’t just a “ministry” of the church, HC is church.
- HC primary focuses are: the experience of gospel-centered family & relational evangelism.
Defining Terms:
- Gospel-Centered FAMILY = A family where the truth of the gospel is deeply believed.
We strive not just to be a fun, social group but a family that is drawn together through the gospel.
- Relational EVANGELISM = Living in such a way that your faith is obvious and being intentional to share the gospel in the context of close relationships.
We strive not just to be a fun, social group but a family that is drawn together through the gospel.
- Relational EVANGELISM = Living in such a way that your faith is obvious and being intentional to share the gospel in the context of close relationships.