Go Above and Beyond Your Sunday Giving
This blog is for covenanted church members. I do not make this request of VIPs or non-members of THC.
You are the ones that have willingly asked for a greater accountability and "loving push" from your Pastors and Shepherds.
In membership class, you made a vow to financially contribute to your church. Though I do not teach that you *must* give a certain amount/percentage - I did teach you some principles of giving:
1. Giving Should Be Prioritized
2. Giving Should Be a Sacrifice to Lifestyle
3. Giving Should Be From A Place of Love and Joy
4. Giving Should Be Wise in Light of Your Current Season of Life.
I teach you to pray and think through your current financial state to come up with a percentage of giving. Once you have that percentage commit to that (unless you have a severe unforeseen event that develops).
In the photo here is a recent letter I received from our Mexico FC (Tim and Priscilla Ives) who are supported in prayer/finances by David and Kelly Pak.
You are the ones that have willingly asked for a greater accountability and "loving push" from your Pastors and Shepherds.
In membership class, you made a vow to financially contribute to your church. Though I do not teach that you *must* give a certain amount/percentage - I did teach you some principles of giving:
1. Giving Should Be Prioritized
2. Giving Should Be a Sacrifice to Lifestyle
3. Giving Should Be From A Place of Love and Joy
4. Giving Should Be Wise in Light of Your Current Season of Life.
I teach you to pray and think through your current financial state to come up with a percentage of giving. Once you have that percentage commit to that (unless you have a severe unforeseen event that develops).
In the photo here is a recent letter I received from our Mexico FC (Tim and Priscilla Ives) who are supported in prayer/finances by David and Kelly Pak.

Read the letter to be encouraged. Our church has been praying, financially supporting, and even paid to fly Tim from Mexico to Houston to attend this past HC Pastor's Seminar.
The awesome part about all of this is that after 3+ years of getting his family adjusted to Mexican culture and serving under the leadership of an established church/Pastor - they are finally setting off to plant a church. And guess which model of church they are going to use? House Church :)
THC, because of our investment into these missionaries, they have a guide/model/example so that they, too, can reach the lost and make disciples in Chiuahaha, Mexico.
In the second photo is a recent Shepherd's Memo that David Pak sent to the Shepherds, encouraging them to ask their FCs to give to their missionary. The Finance Team really wanted us to focus on giving to our missionary - so we set up a fund (separate from our budget) that matches 100% of an FC's giving to their missionary until the fund dries up. Your dollars are worth double!
The awesome part about all of this is that after 3+ years of getting his family adjusted to Mexican culture and serving under the leadership of an established church/Pastor - they are finally setting off to plant a church. And guess which model of church they are going to use? House Church :)
THC, because of our investment into these missionaries, they have a guide/model/example so that they, too, can reach the lost and make disciples in Chiuahaha, Mexico.
In the second photo is a recent Shepherd's Memo that David Pak sent to the Shepherds, encouraging them to ask their FCs to give to their missionary. The Finance Team really wanted us to focus on giving to our missionary - so we set up a fund (separate from our budget) that matches 100% of an FC's giving to their missionary until the fund dries up. Your dollars are worth double!

David gives an update on this fund. And the awesome thing is that there has been some additional anonymous additions to this fund.
Here's some practical advice that I'd like to give you, the members, on the subject of giving. If you are in a financial place where you can give above and beyond your THC-giving - do so and give some funds to your FC missionary.
If you are already "maxed out" on your Sunday giving. Then take a small amount of your Sunday giving to THC and give to your missionary. You will find your prayers and love grow for your missionary if you are a financially invested.
If you are not giving at all, then you should begin. I don't say this just for THC's sake. But for your sake too! Your faith will grow when you include your finances.
Your Pastor
Here's some practical advice that I'd like to give you, the members, on the subject of giving. If you are in a financial place where you can give above and beyond your THC-giving - do so and give some funds to your FC missionary.
If you are already "maxed out" on your Sunday giving. Then take a small amount of your Sunday giving to THC and give to your missionary. You will find your prayers and love grow for your missionary if you are a financially invested.
If you are not giving at all, then you should begin. I don't say this just for THC's sake. But for your sake too! Your faith will grow when you include your finances.
Your Pastor
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