Why So Many Testimonies at THC?
Ephesians 4:16
“16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.“
Have you noticed over the last several months the increase in testimonies on Sundays? The testimonies have taken a life of their own. I don’t know about you, but I definitely see the Holy Spirit using your testimonies to build up the church. I hear some of you excited to hear testimonies and I can tell you guys are genuinely engaged when these testimonies are being shared. This is a great thing! Praise God!
This past Sunday, many of you told me how encouraged you were by Lucas’ testimony on his spiritual journey. A couple of Sundays ago, Joan shared about the importance of investing in the next generation. And there are many more testimonies to come. The testimonies coming may have different topics/purposes, but the Holy Spirit can and will use them all for the purpose of bringing glory to God and edifying the THC congregation.
“16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.“
Have you noticed over the last several months the increase in testimonies on Sundays? The testimonies have taken a life of their own. I don’t know about you, but I definitely see the Holy Spirit using your testimonies to build up the church. I hear some of you excited to hear testimonies and I can tell you guys are genuinely engaged when these testimonies are being shared. This is a great thing! Praise God!
This past Sunday, many of you told me how encouraged you were by Lucas’ testimony on his spiritual journey. A couple of Sundays ago, Joan shared about the importance of investing in the next generation. And there are many more testimonies to come. The testimonies coming may have different topics/purposes, but the Holy Spirit can and will use them all for the purpose of bringing glory to God and edifying the THC congregation.

Why are we doing testimonies weekly? (The only times we don’t are on communion Sundays and when I’m not there).
Here’s why - because I’ve come to the conviction that my job, as your Pastor, is to train/teach you to do the work of ministry so that the THC congregation is “built up” (Eph. 4:12).
Sure, there are many ways that you can “body-build” at THC. Serving on Sunday Teams, warmly welcome each other on Sundays/Fridays, listen intently during FC sharing time, inviting VIPs, etc.
The weekly testimonies are a public display of one of our aims - for the congregation, being properly taught and trained, to take ownership of The Home Church and build itself. We are building THC up together.
A few months ago, we were going through Acts in our All-Church-Reading-Plan. I was struck by some things I was reading about the Early Church. We were reading how the Early Church was unified (Acts 1), they met often to eat together, be established through the Apostle’s teaching, pray together, and formed tight-knit “family-like-relationships” with one another (Acts 2). There was “preaching” taking place when Peter stood up and preached to the crowds and thousands responded with repentance from sin, faith in Jesus, and they immediately joined the Christian movement (Acts 2). When persecution and Satan attacked, they were attacking a fortified/united/family that had spent significant time together laboring in prayer, trusting each other, and focused on spreading Jesus’ word together (Rest of Acts).
Here’s why - because I’ve come to the conviction that my job, as your Pastor, is to train/teach you to do the work of ministry so that the THC congregation is “built up” (Eph. 4:12).
Sure, there are many ways that you can “body-build” at THC. Serving on Sunday Teams, warmly welcome each other on Sundays/Fridays, listen intently during FC sharing time, inviting VIPs, etc.
The weekly testimonies are a public display of one of our aims - for the congregation, being properly taught and trained, to take ownership of The Home Church and build itself. We are building THC up together.
A few months ago, we were going through Acts in our All-Church-Reading-Plan. I was struck by some things I was reading about the Early Church. We were reading how the Early Church was unified (Acts 1), they met often to eat together, be established through the Apostle’s teaching, pray together, and formed tight-knit “family-like-relationships” with one another (Acts 2). There was “preaching” taking place when Peter stood up and preached to the crowds and thousands responded with repentance from sin, faith in Jesus, and they immediately joined the Christian movement (Acts 2). When persecution and Satan attacked, they were attacking a fortified/united/family that had spent significant time together laboring in prayer, trusting each other, and focused on spreading Jesus’ word together (Rest of Acts).

I believe the book of Acts is not just descriptive of what happened in the early Christian movement. I believe it is also contains prescriptive principles for how we, 2,000 years later, ought to make church about. A few months ago, having read through Acts at that time, and being the Lead Pastor of THC, I asked myself, “Lord, how can I lead THC in such a way where they are not dependent on me for their spiritual growth?“
This question was important for me because as I continued to read through Acts, I saw that when the leaders of the Early Church were being imprisoned, fighting with each other, and even being killed…the church didn’t crumble - it stood strong because they didn’t overly rely on their Pastors for their spiritual growth.
On Fridays/Sundays, understand that the Holy Spirit wants to use all aspects to grow you spiritually. He wants to use the sermon, the songs, the laughter around a shared meal, the cleaning of the home before and after FC, the sharing of struggles, the praying for one another, the giving to missionaries, the inviting of VIPs, the giving of tithes, the warm hugs, the post-service fellowship, and… the testimonies to encourage and challenge your heart so that you can look more like Jesus.
Listen intently to the things the Holy Spirit wants to communicate to you through your brothers and sisters.
Love you THC,
Your Pastor
This question was important for me because as I continued to read through Acts, I saw that when the leaders of the Early Church were being imprisoned, fighting with each other, and even being killed…the church didn’t crumble - it stood strong because they didn’t overly rely on their Pastors for their spiritual growth.
On Fridays/Sundays, understand that the Holy Spirit wants to use all aspects to grow you spiritually. He wants to use the sermon, the songs, the laughter around a shared meal, the cleaning of the home before and after FC, the sharing of struggles, the praying for one another, the giving to missionaries, the inviting of VIPs, the giving of tithes, the warm hugs, the post-service fellowship, and… the testimonies to encourage and challenge your heart so that you can look more like Jesus.
Listen intently to the things the Holy Spirit wants to communicate to you through your brothers and sisters.
Love you THC,
Your Pastor
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