Why I Went to the House Church Seminar for Pastors Again… And Again!
Some of you THC members asked me why I went to the House Church Pastor’s Seminar again… for the third time.
So why did I go? I thought it would be good for me to share with you why.
So why did I go? I thought it would be good for me to share with you why.
1. Be Encouraged to Continue to Push You in the Great Commission –
I think I’m the biggest cheerleader of Family Church at our church. It’s important that I actually believe in the model and do my very best to equip you to grow within the structure of FC, but there are times when even I grow discouraged.
A couple of weeks ago, Isabelle’s gymnastics coaches approached us and raved about her potential to begin competitive gymnastics. They talked about the potential for Olympics and/or a college scholarship. When they asked us, they had Isabelle standing right next to them. My daughter, standing there, with beaming eyes looked at our face as they explained that the “next level” would be 12+ hours of practice/week, many weekends of competitions, and lots of money to raise.
My wife and I discussed and decided that this commitment would simply be too much for us. It would actually take away from the commitments we already have to Christ, THC, and FC. We talked with Belle about why we wouldn’t be doing that. That moment was a tough pill to swallow because it reminded me of the purpose in being a Christ-Follower. My ultimate purpose is to bring glory to Jesus by making disciples. There’s nothing wrong with extracurricular activities for my children, but if they take the place of my commitment to the Great Commission then those things become a hindrance to the calling God placed on our lives as Christ-Followers.
It’s far easier for my wife and I to make personal sacrifices for the Kingdom, but I experienced how much harder it is to see my children sacrificing for the Kingdom.
This seminar reminded me of the eternal value of reaching VIPs. It reminded me, once again, of what it really means to make the Great Commission my GREAT mission. It reminded me of the coming Day when I will have to stand face-to-face with Jesus and give an account for the life I lived for Him. It motivated me to continue to wisely and lovingly push you to prioritize the Great Commission as our chief aim as a church! My job is not to just teach you the Bible. My job is to not just grow THC in number. My job is to persuade you, motivate you, challenge you, encourage you, rebuke you so that you can stand in confidence on your future day before Christ. My job is to train you in evangelism, discipleship, serving, and giving.
Because I am not the only one called to make disciples. You are too. True disciples of Jesus make disciples of Jesus (Matt. 28:16-20). What we see in the book of Acts is that the entire Early Church community lived with the purpose of seeing the Kingdom of Jesus expand on earth through them! That mission hasn’t changed. There will be sacrifices in making this the main thing of our church. But those sacrifices will evaporate when we see the fruit that lasts forever!
THC Mems, you too will stand before Jesus one day. You are given the same mission as me. Our mission looks a little different based on our jobs, abilities, and life-stages, but know this… You too will need to make sacrifices for the spread of Jesus’ name and fame. Don’t view FC as an obligation. View it as an opportunity to fulfill God’s purpose and grow in Christ-likeness.
A couple of weeks ago, Isabelle’s gymnastics coaches approached us and raved about her potential to begin competitive gymnastics. They talked about the potential for Olympics and/or a college scholarship. When they asked us, they had Isabelle standing right next to them. My daughter, standing there, with beaming eyes looked at our face as they explained that the “next level” would be 12+ hours of practice/week, many weekends of competitions, and lots of money to raise.
My wife and I discussed and decided that this commitment would simply be too much for us. It would actually take away from the commitments we already have to Christ, THC, and FC. We talked with Belle about why we wouldn’t be doing that. That moment was a tough pill to swallow because it reminded me of the purpose in being a Christ-Follower. My ultimate purpose is to bring glory to Jesus by making disciples. There’s nothing wrong with extracurricular activities for my children, but if they take the place of my commitment to the Great Commission then those things become a hindrance to the calling God placed on our lives as Christ-Followers.
It’s far easier for my wife and I to make personal sacrifices for the Kingdom, but I experienced how much harder it is to see my children sacrificing for the Kingdom.
This seminar reminded me of the eternal value of reaching VIPs. It reminded me, once again, of what it really means to make the Great Commission my GREAT mission. It reminded me of the coming Day when I will have to stand face-to-face with Jesus and give an account for the life I lived for Him. It motivated me to continue to wisely and lovingly push you to prioritize the Great Commission as our chief aim as a church! My job is not to just teach you the Bible. My job is to not just grow THC in number. My job is to persuade you, motivate you, challenge you, encourage you, rebuke you so that you can stand in confidence on your future day before Christ. My job is to train you in evangelism, discipleship, serving, and giving.
Because I am not the only one called to make disciples. You are too. True disciples of Jesus make disciples of Jesus (Matt. 28:16-20). What we see in the book of Acts is that the entire Early Church community lived with the purpose of seeing the Kingdom of Jesus expand on earth through them! That mission hasn’t changed. There will be sacrifices in making this the main thing of our church. But those sacrifices will evaporate when we see the fruit that lasts forever!
THC Mems, you too will stand before Jesus one day. You are given the same mission as me. Our mission looks a little different based on our jobs, abilities, and life-stages, but know this… You too will need to make sacrifices for the spread of Jesus’ name and fame. Don’t view FC as an obligation. View it as an opportunity to fulfill God’s purpose and grow in Christ-likeness.
2. Look for Ways We Can Improve How We Do Family Church -
New Life Fellowship has been doing House Church for 20+ years. We would be wise to learn from them as much as we could. Going for a third time allowed me to evaluate our church and look for effective ways for us to grow.
In going, I’ve committed myself to continue to evaluate our current state. I’ve returned with some ideas that I will be committing to prayer.
In going, I’ve committed myself to continue to evaluate our current state. I’ve returned with some ideas that I will be committing to prayer.

3. Grow as a Leader/Pastor -

Pastor Eric Shin has become the most influential Pastor in my life. I admire his commitment to his church, prayer, being a resource church, and his straightforward-style of preaching and leadership.
As a life-long people-pleaser who grew up at a mega church. I developed unhealthy and unbiblical habits as a Pastor/Leader. I can’t fully explain just how refreshing it is for me to be around someone like Pastor Eric. The longer I’ve known Pastor Eric the more I see the parts of Jesus I desire in my own life. Boldness. Simplicity. Prayer. The more I get to know Pastor Eric the more I see the heart of the Apostle Paul in him. Someone who worked so hard and was willing to endure great pains for the sake of the gospel taking root in the hearts of people. Paul was so gifted at teaching deep concepts, but also was profoundly practical in those same New Testament letters. The Apostle Paul commended and rebuked members by name in his letters. I realize it’s because Paul had established trust and credibility with these members. He used his authority to comfort, commend, and challenge these Christians. In the past, I’ve been quick to comfort and slow to confront. This has caused me lots of personal pain and church pain as well.
Observing how Pastor Eric teaches, leads, answers questions is an opportunity for me to grow in the exact areas of my life that I need to grow in. Growing in these areas of my life will translate into a healthier Mitchell and a healthier THC which means that the Kingdom can flourish in and through us more powerfully.
THC, thank you for allowing me to attend these House Church Seminars so that we can grow to be a church that pleases God.
Let’s not allow ourselves to become content with the growth we’ve already experienced.
Let’s not allow ourselves to become a “Christian club” that only wants to fellowship and not reach out to VIPs.
Let’s not allow ourselves to become a “Theology Club” where we only want to study and learn and not apply.
Let’s not allow ourselves to become a “Sunday Service Experience” where we only focus on excellent Sunday sermons and moving worship. Let’s be a 7-day/week Christ-Follower!
Jesus wants more than just this for The Home Church.
As we are learning in our Acts sermon series – Jesus is pleased by a church that spends as much energy as possible in reaching VIPs, pursuing unity in our FCs/THC, and helping one another grow through our joyful sacrifices.
Let’s go to the VIPs!
Let’s show them Jesus!
Let’s grow as a Family!
As a life-long people-pleaser who grew up at a mega church. I developed unhealthy and unbiblical habits as a Pastor/Leader. I can’t fully explain just how refreshing it is for me to be around someone like Pastor Eric. The longer I’ve known Pastor Eric the more I see the parts of Jesus I desire in my own life. Boldness. Simplicity. Prayer. The more I get to know Pastor Eric the more I see the heart of the Apostle Paul in him. Someone who worked so hard and was willing to endure great pains for the sake of the gospel taking root in the hearts of people. Paul was so gifted at teaching deep concepts, but also was profoundly practical in those same New Testament letters. The Apostle Paul commended and rebuked members by name in his letters. I realize it’s because Paul had established trust and credibility with these members. He used his authority to comfort, commend, and challenge these Christians. In the past, I’ve been quick to comfort and slow to confront. This has caused me lots of personal pain and church pain as well.
Observing how Pastor Eric teaches, leads, answers questions is an opportunity for me to grow in the exact areas of my life that I need to grow in. Growing in these areas of my life will translate into a healthier Mitchell and a healthier THC which means that the Kingdom can flourish in and through us more powerfully.
THC, thank you for allowing me to attend these House Church Seminars so that we can grow to be a church that pleases God.
Let’s not allow ourselves to become content with the growth we’ve already experienced.
Let’s not allow ourselves to become a “Christian club” that only wants to fellowship and not reach out to VIPs.
Let’s not allow ourselves to become a “Theology Club” where we only want to study and learn and not apply.
Let’s not allow ourselves to become a “Sunday Service Experience” where we only focus on excellent Sunday sermons and moving worship. Let’s be a 7-day/week Christ-Follower!
Jesus wants more than just this for The Home Church.
As we are learning in our Acts sermon series – Jesus is pleased by a church that spends as much energy as possible in reaching VIPs, pursuing unity in our FCs/THC, and helping one another grow through our joyful sacrifices.
Let’s go to the VIPs!
Let’s show them Jesus!
Let’s grow as a Family!
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